Karol Salazar, our Strong Communities Program Facilitator in the neighborhood of Nueva Suyapa, works directly with children, adolescents, families and community leaders from Nueva Suyapa to reduce violence.
February 1, 2024
Karol Salazar, our Strong Communities Program Facilitator in the neighborhood of Nueva Suyapa, works directly with children, adolescents, families and community leaders from Nueva Suyapa to reduce violence.
"The Strong Communities Program prevents violence in Honduran neighborhoods."
- Karol Salazar
No hay paredes
“ No Walls”
Lyrics by Jesús Adrián Romero
Translation by Sara Pineda
Excerpt from the song:
Everywhere I travel
I want to take you.
Outside of the church and religion,
Through every town and through every region
Among the people who are wandering
without direction, aimlessly;
Among the streets of my city
Where I can see there’s so much need.
Everywhere I will take you
For there are no walls where you could ever be concealed.
When did your justice journey start?
As a social worker, I have always felt called to work with people living in the most vulnerable conditions. Before joining the ASJ team, I worked in education for 5 years. I met a lot of children and adolescents who were living in difficult family situations. As educators, we sought out ASJ’s help, especially when we needed to report childhood sexual abuse.
What does justice sound like to you?
To me, justice sounds like waves crashing on the shore, the stillness and peace that comes with that.
What is your hope for justice in your context?
My biggest hope is that we can decrease the rates of violence and sexual abuse in our community. I hope that more cases can be reported and brought to justice in my community of Nueva Suyapa and throughout the rest of the country.
PO Box 888631, Grand Rapids, MI 49588
| info@asj-us.org | 1 (800) 897-1135
ASJ (formerly known as AJS) changed our name in 2021 to reflect our partnership with Honduras and our Honduran roots. Learn more.
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