Our Mission

We strive to be brave Christians, dedicated to doing justice in Honduras and to inspiring others around the world to seek justice in their own contexts. To do this, we:

Collaborate with, learn from, and advocate alongside our partner organization ASJ-Honduras to promote peace, justice, and the transformation of society and government in Honduras.

Share our experience in Honduras with communities of justice seekers in order to learn together and advance best practices in justice work worldwide.

Challenge and inspire Christians to live out the Biblical call to do justice and to effect change in their own communities.

As Christians, we believe that we are called to do justice, which means standing up against violence and corruption and defending the oppressed and marginalized. Read more about the Biblical call to justice. 

ASJ was founded by a small group of Hondurans and North Americans who wanted to promote justice for the most poor and vulnerable. Today, we’ve grown to be one of the leading organizations fighting for justice in Honduras. Read more about the history of ASJ.

ASJ (formerly known as AJS) changed our name in 2021 as part of our shared commitment to seeking justice alongside our Honduran partner. Learn more about our name change and our partnership. 

We are deeply committed to cultivating a diverse, inclusive, and equitable workplace, and we believe that the work of justice requires all of us. Read about our committment to diversity.

Committed to Transparency

ASJ, la Asociación para una Sociedad más Justa (the Association for a More Just Society), uses its Spanish initials ASJ.

The work of ASJ is done through three partner organizations: ASJ-Honduras, ASJ-US, and ASJ-Canada.

ASJ, la Asociación para una Sociedad más Justa (the Association for a More Just Society), uses its Spanish initials ASJ.

The work of ASJ is done through three partner organizations: ASJ-Honduras, ASJ-US, and ASJ-Canada.

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