November 22, 2022
Dear Friend,
Last month, almost two hundred teens from ASJ’s impact clubs (a mentoring program for children who live in vulnerable circumstances) gathered in a park outside of Tegucigalpa for the first time since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. The included photos, taken by former impact club member Edwin Flores, beautifully capture their excitement to be together, make new friends, and talk about how they can serve their communities. I wish I could have been there—by all accounts it was a joyful day in what has been a hard season.
These children, who face injustice in so many aspects of their lives, have struggled because of the pandemic. All have had very little schooling for the past three years as Honduras unevenly returns to in-person learning. All live in communities where gangs restrict daily life and sow fear and distrust. All come from homes where it is difficult to earn enough to pay for food, clothes, and medical care.
We see these children in our minds’ eye every time we think about ASJ’s mission: to seek justice for Hondurans in the most vulnerable conditions by pushing the government to provide the services they need.
Sometimes we feel discouraged with the challenges of our task. But when I see the faces of these Honduran children,
I am reminded of why we do this work and the impact that we are having in their lives and the country:
ASJ campaigned to get these kids and 1.7 million others back in school this year and is leading a coalition of business leaders, government authorities, and education experts to develop programs that will help them catch up.
ASJ is working to make communities safer by researching how police interact with victims and offenders. We published our findings and the police have asked us to help them develop a strategy for the next 10 years!
ASJ is helping to protect democracy by putting together an international group of experts to monitor and publicly evaluate the upcoming selection of a new Supreme Court in Honduras.
The impact club children gathered in the park are a reminder that we all matter to God. These children deserve quality schools, police who protect them, and a democratic system that they can fully participate in. They, and all of us, are part of God’s call to do justice wherever we are.
We invite you to join us in shining a light on injustice. Will you give a gift to contribute to this important work of justice? Every gift given to ASJ before December 31 will be matched—your impact will be doubled at any amount. Together, we can look toward a future of safety and flourishing in Honduras.
God bless you all,
Jill Stoltzfus
Executive Director, ASJ-US
P.S. See more pictures from the joyful gathering below!
PO Box 888631, Grand Rapids, MI 49588
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ASJ (formerly known as AJS) changed our name in 2021 to reflect our partnership with Honduras and our Honduran roots. Learn more.
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