December 11, 2016
Honduras saw measurable advances in security and transparency in 2016, giving the country reasons for hope.
As significant as these developments are, they have been overshadowed by emblematic cases of corruption and violence:
These emblematic cases illustrate a history of weakness in Honduran public institutions. International aid packages tend to respond to this weakness by overemphasizing the role that governments and international cooperation play in strengthening Honduran institutions. However, recent achievements in Honduras have largely been due to an increasingly active civil society that is working to strengthen Honduran institutions and transform Honduran society. The US should increase support for civil society’s work in these areas. In doing so, the benefit will be felt not only in Honduras, but also throughout the complex chain of commerce, drugs, and migrants that tie the two countries together.
A series of investigations dating back to 2011 revealed that 26% of public school teachers in Honduras were in fact “ghost teachers” who did nothing more than collect a paycheck [ii]. Because of Transformemos Honduras’s reports, support, and advocacy, the following year less than 1% of teachers on the payroll were missing from the classroom.
In addition, before 2013, children attending public schools were receiving fewer than 120 days of class a year (despite Honduran law requiring 200 days of class a year). This contributed to Honduras receiving the worst standardized test scores in Central America. Transformemos Honduras’s civil society coalition mobilized citizen volunteers to track school days across the country, and as a consequence, children have received at least 200 days of class for four consecutive years, and standardized tests scores in math and reading have improved by five places in Latin American rankings [iii].
In Honduras’ weak public health sector, investigation by civil society coalition Transformemos Honduras, alongside member organization Association for a More Just Society (ASJ, formerly known as AJS), revealed falsified medicine orders, ransacked medicine warehouses, and elites illegally peddling influence to win lucrative government contracts. Transformemos Honduras and ASJ recommended detailed improvements, and the department has responded with a marked increase in transparency and accountability.
Since 2013, the
Transparency International chapter in Honduras, the
Association for a More Just Society
(ASJ), has pressed the Honduran government to commit to a comprehensive audit of its most corruptible institutions. Immediately after his inauguration on January 28, 2014, President Hernandez signed a document committing his government to ASJ’s external evaluation and monitoring [iv]. Benchmark performance and transparency scores have already been delivered for the departments of Education, Security, Health, Infrastructure, and Property Registration, summarized below:
These scores represent the percentage of compliance with transparency and management standards laid out in Honduran law. In other words, the Infrastructure Sector was only complying with 25.7% of legislation regarding purchasing, human resources, access to information, and other indicators.
Each institution, in response to the benchmark score, has created a detailed plan for improvement under the supervision of ASJ, who tracks the institutions’ advancement along selected metrics. This public accountability has led to the removal of “ghost” employees, increased vigilance in purchasing and contracts, and improved data collection and management.
The MACCIH was born out of citizen outrage at the embezzlement of $200 million from Honduras’ Social Security Institute. Thousands of Hondurans marched in the streets demanding an independent, international investigative body similar to Guatemala’s lauded CICIG, and ASJ and other members of civil society offered detailed proposals for the institution. In April 2016, the Honduran government and the Organization of American States (OAS) responded with the “Support Mission against Corruption and Impunity in Honduras” or MACCIH.
Though still in its infancy, MACCIH shows promise in investigating and prosecuting corruption and pushing for institutional reforms [v]. It has partnered with ASJ to create independent anti-corruption courts, intended to insulate high-profile cases from political influence. In addition, in the past few months, MACCIH has successfully advocated for political campaign finance reform, and has offered support and expertise to initiatives such as the selection of judges and ongoing police purging and restructuring.
On April 5, 2016, Honduran newspaper El Heraldo revealed that top-ranking generals of the Honduran National Police Force had planned the assassinations of two anti-drug officials in 2009 and 2011, financed by drug kingpin Wilter Blanco [vi]. Days later, the New York Times published the names of all 27 police officers involved, most of whom were still serving in active leadership roles in the police [vii]. The revelations sparked public outrage, and added fuel to the fire of civil society’s long-term advocacy for police reform.
In response to the public outcry, President Hernandez appointed seven individuals to a special commission for the purging and restructuring of the Honduran National Police force. Four of the seven are members of civil society, and all are volunteers. The Commission operates without a budget from the state but receives aid from international and local backers, including the US embassy and ASJ.
This is not the Honduran government’s first effort to clean up the National Police. Several police reforms have been attempted, but have been characterized by gross overspending and little
The firing of corrupt police is just the beginning of the Commission’s work. In addition to evaluating the remaining 9,000 entry-level officers, the reformers will begin to shift their focus towards creating a new and more transparent police force.
The continued implementation of police reforms in Honduras will require sustained political will, an increased budget, and substantial international mentoring and cooperation; however, advances to date give much reason for hope. In seven months, the Police Reform Commission has removed more high-ranking officers than 16 years of previous efforts, and have proposed reforms that, if implemented, will turn the National Police into a stable and trustworthy institution.
The Alliance for Prosperity bill is a unique opportunity to incentivize change in key challenge areas in vulnerable Central American countries through targeted conditional aid. Last month, the US State Department certified that Honduras had demonstrated sufficient advances in meeting these conditions, citing examples such as the following:
Measureable successes such as these are indications that further conditional aid can continue to strengthen Honduran public institutions, reducing violence and corruption. However, Honduran civil society will be key to the successful delivery of this aid.
A4P requires effective evaluation and monitoring mechanisms at both national and regional levels to ensure that its implementation is transparent, accountable, and responsive to the real needs of the population. This task is uniquely suited for nongovernmental organizations and civil society coalitions who have been supporting Honduran government institutions and holding them accountable for many years.
In the future, the US Congress and State Department should coordinate with civil society organizations, providing funds through A4P as well as incorporating them into government oversight. Worthy institutions include:
As a member of the A4P Consultative Council in Honduras, ASJ is well aware of the potential for transformation that this alliance offers. The $750 million represents more than aid to this region; with its potential to reduce crime and violence and revitalize economies, it is also an investment in a safer and more stable continent. For this investment to reap its full benefits, the US Congress should push the State Department to look beyond traditional partners within governments and international organizations and look to the local leaders who have been leading the charge on security and transparency for decades.
The Association for a More Just Society (Asociación para una Sociedad más Justa) is a Honduran NGO with more than 18 years of experience working on issues of violence and corruption in Honduras; ASJ is a leader in national Honduran coalitions, including the influential Alliance for Peace and Justice and Transformemos Honduras.
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ASJ (formerly known as AJS) changed our name in 2021 to reflect our partnership with Honduras and our Honduran roots. Learn more.
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