We are working to support the most vulnerable in the communities we’ve been working in for over 15 years.
When the lockdown began in Honduras, we knew that poor families would need immediate help to continue to put food on the table. Many families are unable to work due to the lockdown, while other families don’t have the financial resources to buy enough food to last them for a few weeks. In the target communities where we work in Tegucigalpa, we have distributed food supplies to hundreds of families to meet this immediate need.
Our team of psychologists has also opened a hotline in Honduras to support anyone struggling with anxiety, stress, or other mental health issues during quarantine.
Normally, our Strong Communities programs have weekly meetings where vulnerable youth are able to grow through service-learning and leadership-building activities. While groups aren’t able to meet in person, our community mentors now hold meetings through WhatsApp with 300 youth, providing emotional support to them and their families.